

How do we instrumentalize our knowledge to act in accordance with our values?

Axiologue is a crowd-sourced project investigating the ethical histories of products and companies. While beginning as a technology nonprofit, Axiologue is exploring functionality as a socially-engaged art project. Precipitating this shift was creator Matt Broach’s finding that “start-up” discourse, which is deeply grounded in consumerism and technological utopianism, is antithetical to the egalitarian underpinnings of the project. During its year-long mixed residency at Katz’s Deli (in both attention and architecture), Axiologue refocuses and reconceptualizes a new organization whose structure matches its mission of ethical consumerism, participatory research, open source and open data.


  1. Axiologue (GUEST) is in thought-residence with Amanda Martin Katz (HOST) for the duration of the year 2016. HOST commits to actively witness and facilitate the conceptual and aesthetic development of GUEST through monthly processing and idea development sessions that may take place physically and/or virtually.
  2. GUEST is invited to be in bodily residence at the physical location of Katz’s Deli for the week of November 13th to November 20th, 2016, culminating in a public “Deli Event” to be co-hosted by the parties on Saturday, November 19th, 2016.

view the full contract


finalizing the contract over pastrami sandwiches and matzo ball soup at the original Katz’s Deli